Saturday, March 5, 2016

4 March 2016

Ola todomundo! Como estão?

Happy Birthday this week to Nathan and Alli! I am scanning you notes at the cookie shop later, but apparently you have to pay for a subscription to see the pictures I sent, so let me know if you don´t get the letters either.

Yesterday was the 1 month mark so that is crazy. I just have 17 left. We got new Brasilian roommates that are so nice, I love them already! On Sunday I was called to be the sister training leader for our zone, so now I am the one to remind people to go to bed at 10:30. On Tuesday we did an all day English fast which went well for the most part.

Our district has the 2 best instructors ever, I love them so much! Irma Bakr is the nicest person ever and she is so funny. She is expecting a baby and finds out if it is a boy or a girl today! Irmão Ettmüller is the best teacher and motivator I have ever met. Before his mission he was a ju-jit-zu (or however you spell it) world champion and then on his mission he was such an effective missionary. He would go into stores, speak to everyone at once and then get a contact from each person all in about 5 minutes. After his first 3 months on his mission he became assistant to the president for the rest of his mission. And now he is proposing to his girlfriend that works at the CTM and our district gets to help!

Anyway Irmão Ettmüller taught us a really important lesson Monday on obedience that I want to share. He asked us why we are obedient and had us ready John 14:15 - If you love me, keep my commandments. We don´t keep the commandments ``because it is a commandment´´, we keep them because we love God. We need to be obedient because we love God. We are missionaries because we love God. We want to teach other people to keep the commandments because they love God. I just thought it was a great reminder of why we do what we do in the Church and in our lives.

Have a good week everyone! Let me know if I am not telling you stuff you want to know about! or If I AM telling you stuff you DON´T want to know about. either way. Eu amo vocês!!


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